Pompous and Circumstances…(Part one)

I guess it’s time…
It’s been a long ride…

I had a thought a while back (what else is new?) about the title of this blog, particularly as I’ve been moving away from a lot of my collecting chores and have been selling off a portion of my library over the last few years because it’s time, the old reflexes aren’t what they used to be and my tastes have just plain changed over the decades. Anyway, I haven’t yet decided what my next move will be, so we’ll keep that name for now, but some things are going to flip like a freshly caught fish around here. Stay tuned.


we shall see, won’t we?

Oh, Ha. Oops. I Forgot to Give You All A Card. Sort Of…


So, yeah – that’s my non-denominational and generic holiday card above. I already posted this image on facebook a few days or a week back, but forgot to run it here (duh!). It’s actually an old watercolor I did oh, back around 1998 or so (if not earlier that decade). I used to hand-paint dozens of these and send them out to people I knew, but I simply haven’t been able to find the time to do this in quite some time. Back then, each one was different in size because I used assorted scraps from a pile of assorted watercolor paper I’d collected from the art store I worked at (they normally discarded these bits and pieces, but I decided to recycle!) , but had more or less the same image. Anyway, Happy/Merry Whatever and Peace somewhere or other (but here on earth first, as it’s nice to actually enjoy some silence once in a while)… Back in a bit.