Slight Change of Plans (Slight Return)

Snacks not included…

Hey, you know that stack of Severin Films DVD’s* I have here to give to some cinematically deprived soul out there? Yup, they’re still here, all boxed up and ready to go get shipped out anywhere in the US. Instead of picking a subscriber from a list, we’re changing that to whoever (and yes, you still have to live in the US!) replies to this post and is willing to let me be that not so Secret Santa who might have had a few too many Egg Nogs. Anyway, I have to go out for a few hours and will return later this afternoon, so you know what to do (I hope!)

*Note: there’s at least one Blu-Ray in the stack, Maybe Santa will slip up and add another? Who knows?


Keys To Victory: Come With Me If You Want To Win…

Hey! Don’t Be A:


Common Sense Rule #1: HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS! I contact code and other contest winners via the info WordPress gives me (as in your email address and other IP contact info), so if I send you a reply and get back a response like THIS:

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

(insert invalid email here!)

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain (insert ISP here!).com by (insert more IP info here!).

The error that the other server returned was:
554 delivery error: dd This user doesn’t have a (insert .com account here!) (insert non-account email here!) [0] – (insert more IP here!)

Um… I can’t do anything but pass your code onto someone else. Now, tonight’s giveaway ran FINE, except I posted the wrong response to the wrong person who was the third response to the post. Oops. Anyway, I sent out an email offering up another game of three from the long list of codes I have, but you see what I got in return. Hey, kids – If you want a prize, I need to know where it goes and NO ONE else needs to know your email address. Get it? Got it? GOOD. Now, go fix that stuff and I’ll see you folks tomorrow for another giveaway. I still have no clue, but I think it’ll be a simulation game of some sort (city or military), as I have a bunch of those codes here and haven’t had time to get back into the genre at all…

This has been a public service announcement. “And now you know… and knowing is half the battle!”