Slight Change of Plans (Slight Return)

Snacks not included…

Hey, you know that stack of Severin Films DVD’s* I have here to give to some cinematically deprived soul out there? Yup, they’re still here, all boxed up and ready to go get shipped out anywhere in the US. Instead of picking a subscriber from a list, we’re changing that to whoever (and yes, you still have to live in the US!) replies to this post and is willing to let me be that not so Secret Santa who might have had a few too many Egg Nogs. Anyway, I have to go out for a few hours and will return later this afternoon, so you know what to do (I hope!)

*Note: there’s at least one Blu-Ray in the stack, Maybe Santa will slip up and add another? Who knows?


The Time of the Doctor Deleted Scene: Let’s Have A Moment of Silence, Please!


Ah ha ha. See what I did there? No? Well, you’ll get it soon enough if you didn’t. Anyway, that final Matt Smith show was a corker, wasn’t it. No spoilers here, but I’ll say that ending sets up the Peter Capaldi run in a fun little way and makes me look forward to seeing this NEW Doctor at work. I have to give Steven Moffat some major credit for all these past years of plot hints coming in bits and pieces and basically ensnaring fans and non fans alike into sticking with even the silliest of shows because it all makes sense when you see those bits fall into place. I bet there’s a notebook somewhere with a chart and long, long list of whats, whys, when, hows and of course, WHO… but then again, the magic of this show comes from NOT knowing and just enjoying the ride.


So long, Mr. Smith – you’ll be missed, but I bet your Doctor will make an appearance at SOME point during the next 50 years. Better sooner than later, of course…

Some Random Holiday Ramblings (With A Side Of Mistletoe!)…


Yeah, it’s that time of the year when people go insane spending too much money on stuff they then spend the better part of the next year paying for while others complain the spirit of the season is lost as they themselves have probably elbowed someone in the throat in a crowed mall to get a $39 HDTV. Me, I stay away from large crowds and small minds because there’s more room to breathe (and I hate catching a stray elbow in the neck). For perhaps 20 years or so I’ve been “holiday neutral” (for ALL holidays, mind you) but I certainly don’t mind people around me doing it up and having a blast. Heck, when invited to assorted gatherings over the years, I’d be that guy who pops into a party or dinner with gifts for everyone, maybe a pie if I had time to bake one and perhaps a bottle or three of whatever just to watch everyone open up stuff and have a blast. If I like the gathering of folks enough, I may even stick around to help with the dishes. But in general, I don’t go out of my way to throw up thousands of dollars in flashy decorations or leap around wearing a funky-ugly sweater tossing teddy bear mugs and peppermint marshmallows at random strangers with a big grin on my own mug…

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