Gravity Cat: A Royal Wedding of Tech As Advertisment


Yep. Japan still has the coolest game promos. This one’s for Gravity Daze 2, aka Gravity Rush 2 here in the US, which is set to land on the PS4 on January 20. You don’t see TV ads this lengthy for games in North America at all outside of trade shows and media events. But I’d take a few of these fun promo clips any day over another garbage infomercial or medicine ad selling snake oil with deadly side effects followed by a legal ad asking if you’ve taken one of those drugs and suffered from side effects, ugh.

Anyway, the recent demo was great overall – check out my somewhat rushed play through below:



2 thoughts on “Gravity Cat: A Royal Wedding of Tech As Advertisment

  1. That was a lot of fun to watch! Thanks for sharing. I would have never of thought to go looking for it.
    I really enjoyed the first Gravity Rush on the Vita and I’m sure I’ll enjoy part 2 as well!


    • Go grab the demo, as it’s a ton of fun and it’s a bit longer than my video, as that map can be more fully explored. Tales of Berseria has a demo as well that’s not bad, but a bit brief.


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