Gallery: Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment

SAO_keyvisual_w_LogoI’m only vaguely aware of the whole Sword Art Online phenomena in Japan, so I was certainly pleased to see that there’s a Vita game coming to North America this summer courtesy Namco Bandai Games. I guess it’ll be catch up time for me, as it’s turning out to be a very good year for Sony’s handheld in terms of new properties and publishers taking chances on niche IP.  Namco Bandai is going to be dropping more news about this soon (the press release says in about a week), but in the meantime, check out the character art and screens below the jump…


Kirito Asuna Lisbeth Leafa Sinon Silica

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4 thoughts on “Gallery: Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment

  1. Pingback: Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment Update: There’s A Tale With A Twist Or Three Coming… | "DESTROY ALL FANBOYS!"

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